RESPIRE3 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellowships for International Researchers, 2017
The European Respiratory Society (ERS) is pleased to announce the launch of the 1st call of the EU co-funded RESPIRE3 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellowship programme, helping to boost scientific networks across Europe and beyond. Fellowships are awarded based on scientific merit.Fellowship aims to ultimately promote excellence in respiratory science/medicine while strengthening research in the European Research Area (ERA) and beyond.
RESPIRE3 Research Fellowships offer a unique opportunity to young scientists who aspire to be future leaders in the respiratory field. The programme has a strong focus on career development alongside providing attractive working conditions.
ERS is an international organisation that brings together physicians, healthcare professionals, scientists and other experts working in respiratory medicine. They are one of the leading medical organisations in the respiratory field, with a growing membership representing over 140 countries worldwide.
Degree Level: Fellowships are available to pursue Postdoctoral research programme.
Available Subject: Fellowships are awarded in the respiratory field. Candidates from any discipline (e.g. life sciences, engineering, mathematics, information technology, biochemistry, pharmacology) are highly encouraged to apply to carry out research in any area related to respiratory science/medicine, in line with the ERS Roadmap.
Scholarship Benefits: ERS RESPIRE3 grant covers the following allowances (full-time rates), covered through ERS/EU co-funding: Type
Living allowance-€56’400- Yearly gross amount (flat rate, irrespective of country) May be taxable & subject to deductions depending on country/centre
Mobility allowance – for moving to a new country & career development- €14’600.- Yearly gross amount (flat rate, not based upon actual expenditure) May be taxable depending on country/centre.
NEW! Family allowance – only if applicable- €6’000. – Yearly gross amount (flat rate) May be taxable depending on country/centre.
Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:
3-year Global Fellowships: only open to nationals or long-term residents of EU MS or AC. Long-term residents are considered researchers who spent a period of at least 5 consecutive years (without breaks in research) on full-time research activity in a one or more EU MS or AC. Please also refer to the table under 2.1.
2-year European Fellowships: open to applicants of any nationality to come to Europe (MS or AC). Please also refer to the table under 2.1.
In terms of nationality, the requirements differ depending on the type of fellowship chosen by the applicant, as follows:
Applicants must have at least one first-author (or co-author) paper published (or accepted for publication) in an international peer-reviewed journal by the call deadline (1 March 2017 for the 1st call). Papers that are in preparation, submitted, in revision are not eligible until they have been formally accepted for publication. If you have submitted a 1st author paper and it has been formally accepted for future publication, you are eligible but proof/evidence of the acceptance will have to be provided. Posters and conference abstracts are in principle not considered as publications in an international peer-review journal.
In the context of Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions, Medical Doctor (MD) studies are not considered as equivalent to PhD studies. For MDs, the requirement of 4 years of full-time research experience therefore applies.
Applicants need to comply with the EU definition of “experienced researcher”: At the time of the call deadline for the recruitment of researchers (e.g. 1 March 2017 for 1st call), applicants must be in possession of a doctoral degree (PhD) or have at least four years of full-time equivalent* research experience. *Full-time equivalent research experience is measured from the date when a researcher obtained the degree, entitling him/her to embark on a doctorate, either in the country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in which the researcher is recruited, irrespective of whether or not a doctorate is or was ever envisaged. This may vary from country to country. When calculating experience only postgraduate research experience is relevant for this purpose and other professional activities are not taken into account, no matter when these took place.
Candidates should possess appropriate scientific, medical qualifications (academic) and/or experience (professional), and/or be engaged in research/science/practice that is relevant to the specific fellowship project/topic applied for.
Applicants from any discipline (e.g. life sciences, engineering, mathematics, information technology, biochemistry, pharmacology) are encouraged to apply, with a research project (one research title only) related to respiratory science/medicine, in line with the ERS Roadmap.
Applicants can only submit one application for each call and must choose only one type of fellowship: 2-year RESPIRE3 European Fellowship or 3-year RESPIRE3 Global Fellowship. It is up to applicants to carefully consider whether they meet all the eligibility criteria for the specific fellowship type chosen and whether they can provide related proof/evidence, if and as needed.
Candidates should have adequate fluency in the language spoken at the host centre(s), to enable him/her to successfully carry out the research project.
RESPIRE3 is open to ERS members and non-members, in line with H2020 wider principles. Selected fellowship recipients will be strongly encouraged to become ERS members to maximise career development opportunities.
Nationality: Researchers of all nationalities are eligible to apply for these fellowships.
Entrance Requirements: Candidates must have a PhD or at least 4 years of full-time research experience and will be required to have at least 1 first author publication in an international peer-reviewed journal at the time of application.
English language Requirements: Candidates should have adequate fluency in the language spoken at the host centre(s), to enable him/her to successfully carry out the research project.
How to Apply: Applicants should provide and upload the following documents on the online application platform all in pdf format (except for the digital photo):
Short curriculum vitae (2 pages maximum).
A list of publications, sorted out in the following order: 1) original peer-reviewed papers, 2) review articles and 3) any other relevant publication (e.g. abstract relevant to the application) (2 pages maximum).
A research project description including references (5 pages max)
The host supervisor’s short curriculum vitae (2 pages maximum, including up to 10 major supporting grants in the 5 past years and/or those being of specific interest for the support of the candidate’s project). For Global Fellowships, please provide information on both host supervisors (4 pages maximum).
The host supervisor’s list of publications (3 pages maximum, with the 10 most important/relevant for this application listed first). For Global Fellowships, please provide information on both host supervisors (6 pages maximum).
The home supervisor’s short curriculum vitae (2 pages maximum, including up to 10 major supporting grants in the 5 past years and/or those of specific interest for the support of the candidate’s project).
The home supervisor’s list of publications (3 pages maximum, with the 10 most important/relevant for this application listed first).
Application Form
Deadline: Fellowship application deadline is March 1, 2017.
Scholarship Link
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